William Harvey, considered by many the father of modern physiology, was born in Kent, England on April 1, 1578.
The Harveys were yeomen sheep farmers, but with astute commercial dealings: William’s fathr Thomas elevated himself to the minor gentry, and several of his sons became successful London merchants.
In 1588, he entered King’s School, Canterbury. He was staying there for five years.
Between 1593 and 1599, Harvey attended Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge and earned his degree in 1597.
In 1600, he entered the medical school at the University of Padua. At Padua, Harvey was taught by the famous anatomist Hieronymus Fabricius.
After taking his doctorate in 1602, Harvey returned to London, where in 1604 the College of Physician granted him permission to practice medicine in the city. He was named physician to St Bartholomew’s Hospital and a physician to the English Royal Court. Eventually he would serve as the chief physician to King Charles I.
In addition on these other duties, in 1616 Harvey became lecturer on anatomy at the London College. This required him to give, periodically a short survey of all of human anatomy accompanied by the dissection of human cadaver.
Harvey’s greatest achievement is Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus contains the matured account of the circulation of the blood.
William Harvey – father of modern physiology
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