Mubarak was born on May 4, 1928, in the village of Kafr-El Mesaha. He had 4 siblings. Mubarak father was a minor government official. The village Mubarak lived in was known for their schools.
Mubarak worked as a flight instructor. He held command positions in the Egyptian air force and from 1966 to 1969 was director of the air academy. Mubarak was an air force officer during the war in which Egyptian-led troops captured the Suez Canal.
President Anwar Sadat, who began his reign in 1970, promoted Mubarak from among the ranks of his senior generals due, as much as anything, to his deficiencies. He wasn’t regarded as ambitious or particularly intelligent.
In 1972, Mubarak became Commander of the Air Force and Egyptian Deputy Minister of Defense. The next year he was promoted to Air Chief Marshal in recognition of service during the October War of 1973 against Israel.
In April 1975 Sadat named him vice president, and in subsequent years Mubarak was active in most of the negotiations involving Middle Eastern and Arab policy.
Mubarak came to power when Sadat assassinated, Mubarak took his place as the next President of Egypt on October 6,1981. President Hosni Mubarak came to power amid crisis three decades ago, a reassuring symbol of stability for man y Egyptians as well as for Western leaders seeking a solid ally in the Middle East.
At the end of 2010 the Egyptian people took to the streets against the existing political system. The result is the change of government and the departure of Mubarak.
Hosni Mubarak (1928 – 2020) - Egyptian politician
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