In 1863, he married the eldest daughter of François-Louis Cailler, a chocolate maker. Following the example of his brother in-law, Auguste Cailler, he started to manufacture chocolate in 1867.
He founded the Peter Cailler Company. But the business wasn’t very successful.
Daniel wanted something new to differentiate his product from his competitors. That’s why he and his friend Henri Nestlé started to experiment with a combination of milk and chocolate.
Hence, the world's most popular confection, milk chocolate was created in 1875 by using Henri Nestle's "condensed" milk. It was happened after eight years of experimentation and refinement. The whole chocolate landscape changed. Milk chocolate had been invented.
In 1901, Daniel Peter built a chocolate factory in Orbe. It is still working today. He died on November 04, 1919 in Vevey, Switzerland.
Daniel Peter: Swiss chocolatier