Friday, September 05, 2014

Biography of Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro was born on August 13th, 1926 on his father’s wealthy estate in the small community of Biran in the Oriente region of Eastern Cuba. He is one of the seven children to Angel Castro and Lina Ruz Gonzalez.

His father was from Galicia in North Eastern Spain, himself born to poor peasants working as miners and agricultural workers. He came to Cuba as a volunteer in the Spanish army during the War for Cuban independence.

Fidel was very bright and could read and write by the age of four. He was extremely willful.

He misbehaved so badly at his public school that his parents sent him to a private Catholic school to be disciplined.

Between year 1945 to 1950, Castro studies law and social science at Havana University. He devotes most of his time to political activism.

As he grew older, Fidel became more and more aware that his own life of comfort contrasted sharply with the lives of the three hundred poor families who loved on his father’s farm.

In January 1957, Castro and his group initiate attacks on military garrison and isolated Cuban troops in Sierra Maestra.

In 1952 Fidel Castro becomes the Orthodoxos candidate for a set in the House of Representatives in the elections scheduled for 1952.

In March 1952, however, former Cuban president General Fulgencio Batista overthrows the government of President Carlos Prio Socarras in a military coup and cancels the elections.

In 1959, Batista flees into exile by Castro’s forces paving the way for latter’s rise to power. Castro himself assumes the premiership on February 16, 1959.

On May 1959, Castro creates laws that force plantation owners to give up their land, which is given to the underclass.
Biography of Fidel Castro

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