Raymond, Henry Jarvis was born on January 24, 1820 near Lima, New York. He graduated from the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, later to be known as Syracuse University and the University of Vermont.
Raymond is probably best remembered as the founder and editor of the New York Times. He founded the New York Times, with George Jones in 1851. He also known as American politician.
He began working for the press by contributing to the New Yorker, edited by Horace Greeley, and when Horace Greeley founded the New York Tribune, in 1841, he was made assistant editor of it.
From 1843 to 1851 he was in the editorial staff of the New York Courier and Enquirer.
Raymond was elected to the state assembly in 1849 and after his reelection to a second term, became speaker in 1851.
In 1851 he founded the New York Times which he edited until his death.
During the American Civil War Raymond again acted as war correspondent for his own paper. He was often at the front supervising the activities of his reports while contributing coverage of his own.
He was lieutenant-governor of New York from 1855 to 1857 and in 1864, Raymond was elected member of congress, Raymond ranks among the foremost newspaper editors of his time and notably elevated journalism.
Raymond, Henry Jarvis (1820-1869)
Pilsner: The Quintessential Light Lager
Pilsner, a pale and crisp lager beer, originated in the city of Pilsen
(PlzeĆ), in what is now the Czech Republic, during the mid-19th century.
Its creatio...